Thursday, November 19, 2009
Spoiled?...of course!
Mismatched socks
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Halloween 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Run along and play!
I remember when he used to do the same thing to me. I didn't want to be the kind of mom to tell her kids to "go away" or something similar in a mean tone so that I could get a moment of peace and quiet and to not be bothered. So instead I used to gently steer Ben towards his room full of toys as I would say, "Ok, now run along and play!" And then nine times out of ten he took my subtle suggestion and would happily go play (independently) as I finished a page in a book, or any number of other things that are accomplished so much easier alone than with a talkative helper!
Well, the other day I overheard Ben say this same phrase to Kylie while she was playing in his room, obviously wanting to play with whatever it was that he was holding at the moment. I love it!! He wanted to play by himself without her "help" or assistance, but didn't get mad at her or do something to make her cry. It also made me a little bit happy to know that such a great phrase was passed along. So I intervened at this point, knowing that Kylie really doesn't know how to run along and play on her own just yet! And smiling happily with a feeling of deja vu, I gently led a little girl who was also smiling happily (and blissfully oblivious to anything else) down the hall to her own room full of toys!
Thank you Ben for continuing to be the best big brother to the luckiest little sister in the world!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Snuggles for everyone!
When Kylie was just barely big enough/strong enough to hold Ben's Curious George on her own she tried to...of course this was also a time when she put EVERYTHING in her mouth so there were instances when George's shirt would show up in the laundry basket because Ben was trying to cleanse him of the baby drool! One time (fairly recently) George's shirt showed up as I was folding clothes from the dryer. Ben was at school and Kylie was asleep, so Jonathan and I took the yellow shirt and put it on Kylie's Curious George and then set it on the edge of the couch where she would see it when she came in the room. Sure enough, she zeroed in on it as soon as she came in the room and started pointing at it and laughing and babbling all kinds of baby talk. We're pretty sure she was just letting us know that someone had put Ben's Curious George's shirt on her Curious George and either it looked ridiculous or she loved it, but either way she carried it around with her for the rest of the day!
Here's a picture of a very happy Kylie snuggling Ben's Curious George in his bed while he was at school one day...she does this as often as she can, don't tell Ben! :) Just kidding, he knows but is such an awesome big brother that he doesn't mind. Don't let the red shirt confuse you in this picture. It really is Ben's George, he is just wearing a shirt from another stuffed animal (probably while his yellow shirt was in the wash!).
One more thought for this post, here's a cool story about something that happened the other night. This is just another example of what a great big brother Ben is, and how lucky Kylie is to have such a brother. It was time for bed and Kylie had Ben's George. We went into Ben's room so she could give him back to Ben since it was time for bed. Well, she didn't really want to give him up. She held him out to Ben but didn't let go of her grip on George at all :). We even got her Curious George and tried to trade but she wasn't having it! Ben told her that it was okay. He took her George and said she could snuggle his Curious George that night and he would snuggle hers, with the added rationale that her George doll didn't get snuggled as much anyway and would love the opportunity! Isn't that a nice big brother?! Well, the story doesn't end there. I took Kylie to her room and put her in her crib with Ben's Curious George. She pulled him up to her neck and peacefully drifted off with a blissful, content smile on her face. What a great way to fall asleep! Thanks Ben for continuing to bless our home and family with your sweet loving spirit!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Achieving Freedom and Independence!
This clip is one of her "reading" a book about dogs. By reading I mean repeating the word "doggie" as many times as you can, sometimes with different inflection!
She is such a cautious walker--very steady and determined. I guess that since she waited until after she turned 1 to walk that she also waited until she was definitely ready to do it right! Ben was eager to go as soon as he could, and I know that by the time he was her age he already had received several battle scars from various mishaps! Kylie mastered turning very quickly (maybe a few hours?) and considers herself completely independent now, ready to take on anything! Watch out world--here she comes!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I love living in a small town
Me: Hello, extension 21 please.
Nice Lady: One moment...(pause)...we don't have an extension 21.
Me: (only slightly confused because, well, I've been in this town for 3 years) Ok, classified sales then please.
Nice Lady: (sounding very confused) Umm, who are you trying to call?
Me: I'd like to place a classified ad and I got this info from your website...
Nice Lady: Ok,...(pause) what is it that you needed? (still sounding confused)
Me: I'd like to talk to someone who can give me information about running a classified ad. (??)
Nice Lady: (sounds of confusion still coming through the phone line as she's trying to decide who to pass my call to)...okay, so you probably want to talk to, well, hmmmm...
Me: (trying a different approach) Maybe you can help me--I'm having a yard sale on Saturday and want to put an ad in the paper about it.
Nice Lady: Ok! (as if to say, why didn't you say so in the beginning?)
Seriously? Why didn't I?? :) -- after this she was very helpful and answered all (well, most) of my questions. :)