Thursday, November 19, 2009

Spoiled?...of course!

Jonathan started it...he was the one who put her in her bed one day with a video on and hooked her up with a comfy pillow to prop her up. Now she will walk over to her crib and reach up to get in and then point to the video player (clearly she knows what she wants!). Or she will point to it first thing in the morning when you walk in to get her out of bed. Its kind of funny, but at the same time, genius! Hey, if it will buy us 30 more minutes of sleep on a Saturday morning then I'm all for it!
Sometimes its a great place to put her if she's tired and needs a nap but you know she's not going to take one, so some "rest" time while dinner preparations are underway is a great option.
As a result of this royal treatment, she also gets to be propped up while watching a show in the den. Her favorites have always been Baby Einstein (mostly Mozart, Newton and VanGogh), but recently she has really gotten interested in Barney. I think it is because of the singing and dancing. Of course, she doesn't lay down to watch Barney because she has to be up dancing along with it!
So is she spoiled? Definitely--we wouldn't have it any other way!

Mismatched socks

Funny story about Kylie and socks. We usually put socks on her feet before she goes to bed at night since its cooler now and she doesn't sleep with blankets (even if we put them over her she just kicks the blankets off after a short time so what's the point?!). Anyway, the night before last I couldn't find the pair of socks that I like to put on her (only could find one sock of the pair) so I decided to use it and then picked another sock of a similar style/fabric/feel/etc. to go with it. Who cares right? At least both feet were covered... Well, Kylie was NOT okay with that! She kept pulling one of the socks off--and it wasn't just one in particular so I knew it wasn't because one didn't feel comfortable. I think she just did not like the fact that they didn't match! Well, after she fell asleep I went back in and put the other sock back on. I checked on her before I went to bed and she only had one sock on! So I replaced it (again!) and went to bed. Jonathan went in to get her the next morning and brought her back to our bed and guess how many socks she was wearing? One! We put her to bed last night with a matching pair of socks on and she seemed to sleep just fine! Guess we won't make that mistake again...!

Here's a cute picture of the sleeping beauty--the covers didn't last long before she kicked them off!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween 2009

We had such a fun time getting ready for Halloween this year--I think it works out much better to be on a Saturday--more time to enjoy it. Our town has trick-or-treating on Main Street downtown every year and most of the stores/businesses participate and pass out candy to the kids. Since we live so close to "downtown" (did I mention that I love living in a small town??), we can just walk to all sorts of parades and festivities throughout the year and not have to worry about parking, etc. The downtown fun was on Friday night and then we had a party to go to right afterwards. We also had another party to go to Saturday during the day, and then more fun with trick-or-treaters Saturday night. We got to wear our costumes several times, but at first Kylie wasn't so sure about it all!
Our costumes weren't anything fancy. Ben knew he wanted to be a vampire and so there was talk a few weeks ago about possible face-painting and "blood" around his mouth. Well, I wasn't necessarily enthused about that topic, so I was quite happy to find the perfect vampire/dracula mask at the dollar store instead. Kylie's costume also came partly from the dollar store (wings), and turned out to be the perfect accessories to some things we already had in her wardrobe for a cute little butterfly. At first when I put the wings on her she started to cry and took off down the hall, but when it was actually time to go trick-or-treating she seemed to be okay with it and played along. By this point she was already wondering what was going on anyway since her brother had on a cape and some weird-looking mask, and her mom had a strange pointy-hat with orange hair...
The night only got stranger as we headed downtown and saw more and more people dressed oddly. It really was fun to watch Kylie's face as she took it all in! Who knows what she was thinking as perfect strangers put candy into her pumpkin bag and told her happy halloween! It definitely had her attention!
We decorated the front porch a few weeks before Halloween. Well, when I say decorated I may be stretching it just a bit. We set out a pumpkin and put up a spider-web made out of cotton (complete with a few plastic spiders!). I wonder what the real spiders that live on our front porch thought about our creation?
If you look closely you can see Kylie through the door inside the house. I put her inside so she wouldn't fall down the steps while I was taking pictures and she was pressed up against the glass saying hi to us through the door--so cute!
Here's a "before" shot of the pumpkin. Ben actually carved it by himself, but not until Halloween day. He drew out a plan on paper first (typical Ben!) and then got to work on carving it with only a few deviations from the original plan!
Here's a picture of Ben and Kylie as we went out to trick-or-treat at our neighbors' homes. By now Kylie has accepted that its just going to be a different couple of days so just put on the wings and roll with it!
Some pics with friends as we trick-or-treated to our neighbors' homes. We only went to about 5 houses because we (Ben) were (was) anxious to get back to pass out candy to the people who came to trick-or-treat at our house. We always get a TON of people. I think most of the people in our county bring their kids to our neighborhood--which is nice that we live in a safe one, but it gets pretty busy!Here's a shot of Ben sitting on the porch taking care of his passing out candy to the trick-or-treaters responsibilities (all serious/no-nonsense of course!). He had a "system" and was all set up with the talking pumpkin to say "Happy Halloween!" at just the right moment when the kids would walk up (so he didn't have to say it) and then give them the candy. Kylie was more interested in her pumpkin treat bag than she was in the candy; probably because it said "happy halloween" and then laughed a spooky sounding "he-he-he-he-he" when you pressed a button on it. What a crazy weekend!
Goodbye Halloween--see you next year!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Run along and play!

So far, Ben and Kylie have been really great friends and so nice to each other, especially Ben! He loves to include her and doesn't mind that she destroys practically EVERYTHING he makes (examples: lego structures, lincoln log villages, train track towns, etc.). But like it or not, Ben is so fun to play with and Kylie absolutely wants to be doing exactly what he's doing (and does whenever possible!). Sometimes I can tell that Ben gets a little annoyed by the constant imitation/shadow/etc. but he doesn't let it show to the point where her feelings get hurt.

I remember when he used to do the same thing to me. I didn't want to be the kind of mom to tell her kids to "go away" or something similar in a mean tone so that I could get a moment of peace and quiet and to not be bothered. So instead I used to gently steer Ben towards his room full of toys as I would say, "Ok, now run along and play!" And then nine times out of ten he took my subtle suggestion and would happily go play (independently) as I finished a page in a book, or any number of other things that are accomplished so much easier alone than with a talkative helper!

Well, the other day I overheard Ben say this same phrase to Kylie while she was playing in his room, obviously wanting to play with whatever it was that he was holding at the moment. I love it!! He wanted to play by himself without her "help" or assistance, but didn't get mad at her or do something to make her cry. It also made me a little bit happy to know that such a great phrase was passed along. So I intervened at this point, knowing that Kylie really doesn't know how to run along and play on her own just yet! And smiling happily with a feeling of deja vu, I gently led a little girl who was also smiling happily (and blissfully oblivious to anything else) down the hall to her own room full of toys!

Thank you Ben for continuing to be the best big brother to the luckiest little sister in the world!