So far, Ben and Kylie have been really great friends and so nice to each other, especially Ben! He loves to include her and doesn't mind that she destroys practically EVERYTHING he makes (examples: lego structures, lincoln log villages, train track towns, etc.). But like it or not, Ben is so fun to play with and Kylie absolutely wants to be doing exactly what he's doing (and does whenever possible!). Sometimes I can tell that Ben gets a little annoyed by the constant imitation/shadow/etc. but he doesn't let it show to the point where her feelings get hurt.
I remember when he used to do the same thing to me. I didn't want to be the kind of mom to tell her kids to "go away" or something similar in a mean tone so that I could get a moment of peace and quiet and to not be bothered. So instead I used to gently steer Ben towards his room full of toys as I would say, "Ok, now run along and play!" And then nine times out of ten he took my subtle suggestion and would happily go play (independently) as I finished a page in a book, or any number of other things that are accomplished so much easier alone than with a talkative helper!
Well, the other day I overheard Ben say this same phrase to Kylie while she was playing in his room, obviously wanting to play with whatever it was that he was holding at the moment. I love it!! He wanted to play by himself without her "help" or assistance, but didn't get mad at her or do something to make her cry. It also made me a little bit happy to know that such a great phrase was passed along. So I intervened at this point, knowing that Kylie really doesn't know how to run along and play on her own just yet! And smiling happily with a feeling of deja vu, I gently led a little girl who was also smiling happily (and blissfully oblivious to anything else) down the hall to her own room full of toys!
Thank you Ben for continuing to be the best big brother to the luckiest little sister in the world!
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