Saturday, May 30, 2009

Partners in Crime

Kylie wants to use the computer every time I do, so I dragged out my old dinosaur laptop from college the other day and let her have at it. Of course, Ben had to "show" her how to use it since he's the expert. This computer was top of the line in its day...but now it can barely handle the math game we loaded onto it for Ben to play. Look how thick it is! Anyway, she loved it and definitely knew exactly what to do as she lunged toward it! She is so lucky to have a big brother like Ben who absolutely adores her and patiently lets her join in on the fun.


  1. Hey we realized that we're late on wishing Jonathan a very happy birthday. One year older and wiser too...We spent some time with the Condon Family today and it reminded me about the time you talked Brock into stealing some tomatos out of their yard at 1am...good times. We miss you guys!

  2. Ha! Memories! You'll be glad to learn that I have come a long way since those days. First, I had to repent for stealing tomatoes. Then, I had to repent for convincing my friends to steal tomatoes...I'm pleased to report that I have now forsaken such crimes. Thanks for the happy birthday wish--I definitely feel older and wiser!
